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Law Compliance and Protecht webinar: Navigating the new Aged Care Act

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Navigating the new Aged Care Act: Using the Act to transform aged care providers

Law Compliance is excited to team up with Protecht, a leading GRC provider, offering a webinar for Aged Care Providers on Tuesday 11 February, 11am – 12pm AEDT.

The Aged Care sector is undergoing significant transformation with the introduction of the new Aged Care Act 2024, effective July 2025. The Act is both timely and relevant. The Royal Commission report issued in December 2018 was titled “Care, Dignity and Respect” and this set the scene for the subsequent regulatory changes that have shifted the focus from Aged Care providers and how to fund them to older people accessing aged care services, their rights and needs.

David Tattam, Chief Research & Content Officer at Protecht and Chris Martin, Head of Strategy and Third Party Relationships at Law Compliance, will unpack the key changes and implications for aged care providers.

Follow this link to learn more about Protecht and book your place in this informative webinar.

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